WhatsApp has apparently also asked Ws Numbers List itself that question, because they are (probably) working on an extension of the delete Ws Numbers List option. So you can also delete older messages. Very nice if you have sent an embarrassing Ws Numbers List message, or shared personal information that you would rather not leave in the chat. 3. Create stickers in the app
Do you ever make stickers to send via Ws Numbers List chat conversations? Then you do that via an external app, outside of WhatsApp. That is quite cumbersome. That is why it is handy that WhatsApp is working on a function within the app that Ws Numbers List makes it possible to make stickers. Saves time and hassle. 4. A group within a group Ws Numbers List When I read that WhatsApp is working
on a 'groups within groups' feature Ws Numbers List I thought 'oh no, not even more groups!' But actually, this is a really handy feature. Imagine you're in a group chat and it's someone's birthday. Then you can create a group conversation in that app Ws Numbers List group, without the party bunny. So you can secretly discuss gifts. Or if you have a large group from a sports club,